Knights through and through
Medieval knights adhered to a code of chivalry that required them to be courageous, honorable, courteous, and to work for justice. These are some of the same qualities that students learn through their participation in the clubs offered at St. Mary's. Our teachers are encouraged to share their passions with students through a variety of clubs, creating experiences for students that tap into their interests and help them discover new possibilities. All students are encouraged to get involved and try something new.
boy scoutsCub Scouts is open to youth in grades K-5. Scouts learn life skills, leadership skills, and social skills. Cub Scouts learn these skills through fun events like camping, hiking, fishing, pack and den meetings, popcorn sales, and community involvement. Boy Scouts is open to youth ages 11-17. St. Mary's Troop 75 is part of the Greater Western Reserve Council and meets weekly in the evening. The troop has four patrols: Wolverines, Scorpions, Dragons, and Cobras. Troop activities range from learning scout skills and monthly camp outs to civic activities and high adventure activities. For more information visit BSA Troop 75.
faith builders leadership club
FaithBuilders Leadership Club is open to any students in 5th through 8th grade that are interested in promoting and sharing their faith at St. Mary’s. Through our two main projects, The Living Nativity in December, and The Living Stations of the Cross during Lent, the students work to deepen their own faith as they encourage those around them to follow in Jesus’ footsteps each day. The students also help as needed with Prayer Services, Retreats, and other faith-based activities throughout the year. Anyone interested in joining FaithBuilders Leadership Club should contact Mrs. Obergefell for more information.
girls scoutsGirl Scout troops are organized for girls in grades K-8. Troop information is distributed in the beginning of each school year. As a Daisy, Brownie, or Junior, girls will have the opportunity to earn cool badges and fun patches, run their own cookie business, make new friends, and go to camp to experience the outdoors. Girl Scouts can do anything! With scouts, girls will have an awesome time exploring the world, learn about science, discover nature, and lots more. Highlights of being a Girl Scout at St. Mary's include overnights at Camp Timberlane, International Day, guest speakers, service projects, and working the fish fry during Lent.
knightly news
The Knightly News is a daily news show produced by our 7th and 8th grade students. It is recorded in the school's production studio and then shown daily at 7:47 a.m. to each classroom via closed circuit television. There are approximately fifty students involved annually. Participating students have the opportunity to be an anchorperson, director, cameraperson, or copy-scroller on their assigned day. The Knightly News staff learns to work together as a team in front of the camera and behind the scenes to communicate daily announcements to the rest of the student body. News segments on each show are Daily Observance, Weather, Student/Teacher Birthdays, Lunch Menu, SMA Sports Report, Daily School News, Today in History, Saint Feast Days, Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, and Joke of the Week.
preschool palsThis very popular program is a unique opportunity offered to 8th grade students who are willing to volunteer a short period of their time to visit the 3-year-old classroom. The Preschool/K-8 campus at St. Mary’s gives us the opportunity to initiate a “buddy/mentor” volunteer program throughout the children’s academic/religious coursework. These types of programs are proven to foster leadership skills in older students, promote school unity, and the littlest children at St. Mary’s think the big kids are awesome! Little buddies are in awe of their new friends, and the older friends are superb role models.
science olympiadSt. Mary's Science Olympiad team is open to all students in grades 5 and 6. The first meeting is typically in January, and practices run from February-April. The John Carroll Catholic Schools Elementary Science Olympiad is held in April. Science Olympiad is a phenomenal and fun experience for students. It's wonderful to see so many young minds working together to do their best in their chosen events. It is a day filled with friendly competition, hands-on activities, science demonstrations, team building, and excitement. Although students will have the opportunity to prepare for events during the scheduled sessions after-school, it's important that students also spend some time practicing at home.
student councilSt. Mary of the Assumption School’s Student Council includes elected students in grades four through eight. Each homeroom elects two representatives. Executive Officers are chosen from current 7th and 8th grade students. The officers meet with the student council teachers prior to the monthly whole council meeting. Student Council completes projects such as food drives, fundraisers, and plans school spirit events.
Established in 2021, our library loft was renovated into a hands-on learning center. In the Knights' Creation Station, students and teachers can take project based learning to the next level. Our MakerSpace contains project supplies, as well as 3-D Printers, a Glowforge laser printer, and Cricut Machine. Not only can teachers utilize these resources, but students in grades 4-8 are able to join our MakerSpace Club. Students meet several times a month and participate in STEM challenges or use their creativity to make something unique and useful. |
The goal of the Great Lake Shake is to prepare students so they are able to present themselves exceptionally well for opportunities today, as well as those that will come in the future. The SMA Great Lake Shake Club is for students in 7th or 8th grade to practice important life skills, skills like giving a proper handshake, carrying on a conversation, giving a successful interview, and remaining composed under pressure. Students will compete for the opportunity to represent SMA at the regional Great Lake Shake competition at Lakewood Catholic Academy. |