proud tradition of academic excellence & service with a family friendly feel
why choose st. mary of the assumption school?
Go For the authentic learningTaking students beyond the confines of the classroom makes learning fun, spontaneous, and deep. Our teachers collaborate with some of the greatest assets in our community to make a wide variety of authentic learning experiences available to our students throughout their time at SMA.
Go for the Service opportunitiesWhether it's our performing arts groups putting on a play for residents from Deepwood, our clubs conducting a food drive, or one of our athletic teams visiting a nursing home, St. Mary's provides students with multiple opportunities to address unmet needs in their community through service.
Go for the innovative programsSt. Mary's has several innovative school programs designed to personalize students' learning experiences, help them make connections to the real world, and treat other people with the respect and dignity that they deserve. These opportunities are made possible because of our vibrant school and parish community.