Positively impacting our children, school, and community.
The faculty and staff of St. Mary's appreciates your willingness to serve our school. As the primary educator of your child, it is important that you are involved in your child's school. Volunteers enrich our community by sharing their time, knowledge, and skills with our students and making a wide range of programs possible. This page is intended to make you aware of some of the volunteer opportunities that exist, guide you through the process of becoming a volunteer, and answer questions you may have about your role and responsibilities. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with our students.
There are numerous opportunities throughout the year to be a volunteer at St. Mary of the Assumption School. Many teachers have classroom volunteer sign-up forms available during the Drop In Day at the beginning of the year. Many organizations recruit volunteers during the ministry fair at Open House in February. Additional volunteer opportunities are shared via the web page, Facebook page, and fliers sent home from school. VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS If you are interested in volunteering at St. Mary of the Assumption, you must comply with the Diocesan requirements by attending the VIRTUS® "Protecting God’s Children for Adults” one-time/three-hour training session and complete the online background screening. VIRTUS® "Protecting God's Children for Adults" remains the primary child abuse training and education prevention program required by the Diocese of Cleveland for all staff, volunteers, catechists, coaches, and scout leaders. A volunteer requiring VIRTUS training is defined as anyone who works with children without any express or implied promise of remuneration. Examples include, but are not limited to, a classroom parent volunteer, catechist, coach, choir director, youth leader, intern, student teacher and others in similar capacities. Please go to the VIRTUS website at www.virtusonline.org to create your account and register for a training session that will work with your schedule. Once you have pre-registered for a training session, you will be provided with instructions under a separate email to complete the online background screening. Thank you in advance for all you do to help the children of our parish and school to grow in their faith. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Sue Sokalski in the parish office at (440) 255-3404 or [email protected]. |
volunteer opportunities
The teachers and staff will make every effort necessary to prepare the volunteer to perform the tasks asked of them. The description of the job activity should be fully understood by the volunteer before the activity is undertaken. If instruction or assistance is needed, the volunteer shall ask the teacher, staff member, or administration for clarification. one of the greatest gifts
The volunteer will respect the privacy of the students, faculty, staff, and clergy. What happens in school or on school property stays at the school! School business is not to be discussed outside the school or with other volunteers. A volunteer shall not discuss a child’s progress with anyone or inquire into family backgrounds. Volunteers shall demonstrate a friendly, tactful, helpful and fair attitude to all students. SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY
All volunteers and parents are asked to respect the right of others by not posting pictures of our students on personal social media sites. |